
4 081 Tube Depot review, Fender Princeton, Harrison Island

Bought a few things from tubedepot.com to build a Fender 5F2-a Princeton. Power transformer, some sockets, filter caps and coupling caps. Struggled to find a cheap-ish power transformer in Australia, so had to buy from America, postage was $43, which is ok, but had tracking so I could tell exactly where the package was whenever, and it only took 13 days in the end, which is surprising because I'm rural(ish).

Packaged well, no glass in here. Excessive use of bubble wrap is great.

Transformer is packaged nicely, unlabelled on the website but this is a classic-tone, cheaper than on the classic tone website at $77AUD ($60USD).

The Fender 5F2-a Princeton has a couple of mods and stuff, probably use a 6L6 for a bit of a kick and I think the OT can handle it at 5k impedance. Bass-Mid-Treble Fender tone stack instead of a one knob tone control, be a bit more dynamic, hopefully not too much power drop from that. On-Standby-Off rotary switch, while turned off engages a bleeder circuit for the filter caps so you can work open it without dying. variable negative feedback potentiometer instead of the general 22k for more dynamic ability etc...
I'll do another post sometime during making the amp, or after it's finished.

random painting by dad #3

little bit of a thing with Sudi.

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